2006년 10월 -독일electrospinning 발표
2015-10-06 06:06
Lecture Program
Download the program of CNT VII |
10:30 | Welcome A. Greiner, University of Marburg/D |
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10:35 | Electrospun nanofibers-opportunities in healthcare, biotechnology, energy, and environment S. Ramakrishna, NUS Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Initiative, Singapore/SIN |
11:15 | Supercritical Fluid-Assisted Electrospinning of Polymers M. McHugh, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA/USA; M. Marquez, Z. Shen, Philip Morris USA, Richmond, VA/USA; J. Liu, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA/USA; S.-H. Lee, Dong-A University, Busan/ROK |
11:45 |
Mulltifunctional Nanocomposite Fibrils and Yarns by Co-electrospinning |
12:15 | Highly hydrophobic polyaniline and polypyrole nanofibers synthesised by electrospinning-sol-gel process A.R. Phani, D. Davide, S. Sandro, CNR/INFM, CASTI, Aquila/I |
12:45 | Lunch |
14:00 | Electrospinning and beyond: towards new techniques, functions and applications J. Wendorff, University of Marburg/D |
14:40 | Electric Field Induced Uniaxial Orientation of Polymer Chains in Macroscopically Aligned Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers: Fundamentals and Applications John F. Rabolt, University of Delaware, Newark, DE/USA |
15:10 | Continuous nanofibers for advanced structural nanocom-posites Y.A. Dzenis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE/USA |
15:40 | Melt Electrospinning Paul Dalton, University of Southampton/UK and Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen/D; Kristina Klinkhammer, Dirk Grafahrend, Doris Klee, Martin Möller, Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen/D |
16:10 | Coffee break |
16:40 | Progress in the fundamental analysis of electrostatic fiber formation G. Rutledge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA/USA |
17:20 | Micro-encapsulation of hydrophobic liquids inside polymer beads linked by nanofibers using co-electrospinning J. Esteban Díaz, Yflow SL, Campanillas/ES; A. Barrero, Yflow SL, Campanillas/ES and University of Seville/ES; M. Márquez, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ/USA; I.G. Loscertales, Yflow SL, Campanillas/ES and University of Malage/ES |
17:50 | Fabrication of polymer microtubes by co-electrospinning E. Zussman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa/IL |
18:20 | Predictable and orderly collection of electrospun nanofibers D. Reneker, T. Han, University of Akron, OH/USA |
18:50 | Poster Party |
21:00 | End of day one |
Tuesday, October 24
Status and future of nanofibers by electrospinning
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9:00 | Nanostructured materials by electrospinning J. McCann, University of Washington, Seattle, WA/USA |
9:40 | From Filters to Biomaterials -Applications of Electrospun-Fibres at CSIRO Y. Truong, I.L. Kyratzis, CSIRO-Textile and Fibre Technology, Clayton, VIC/AUS |
10:10 | Conjugate electrospinning – a new approach to making nanofibers: Effects of process parameters on fiber morphology Production of yarns by electrospinning E. Smit, U. Büttner, R. D. Sanderson, Stellenbosch University, Matieland/ZA |
10:40 | Polymer electrospinning: fundamentals and applications in medicine and energy G.E. Wnek, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH/USA |
11:10 | Posteraward and Conclusions A. Greiner, University of Marburg/D |
11:20 | Coffee Break |
Tuesday, October 24
From small to smart
11:50 | Welcome |
11:55 | Selective synthesis, large-scale production and current/future applications of carbon nanotubes M. Endo, Shinshu University, Nagano/J |
12:35 | Technical applications of carbon nanotubes: state of the art and perspectives M. Schmid, Bayer MaterialScience AG, Leverkusen/D |
12:55 | Integrative semiconductor nanotubes with new functionalities O. G. Schmidt, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart/D |
13:15 | Lunch |
14:35 | Carbon Nanotubes for display applications Z. Yaniv, Applied Nanotech, Inc., Austin, TX/USA |
15:15 | Mechano-optical brilliant polymer colors – nanotechnology paves the way R. J. Leyrer, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen/D |
15:35 | Nanostructured photoactive polymer materials for solar cells R. Janssen, Technical University of Eindhoven/NL |
15:55 | Coffee Break |
16:25 | Nanoscale phenomena in polymer-nanoparticle blends M. E. Mackay, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI/USA |
16:55 | Functional nanoparticulate structures W. Peukert, University of Erlangen/D |
17:25 |
Multifunctional flexible ceramic: from lab to market |
17:45 | Presentation of posters |
18:45 | Poster Party |
22:00 | End of day two |
Wednesday, October 25
From small to smart
9:00 | Nanomedicine: Technology, Materials and Biology Transforming Healthcare J.W. Hofstraat, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven/NL |
9:40 | Mechanical design of natural nanocomposites P. Frazl, Max Planck Institute for Colloid Research, Golm/D |
10:10 | Switchable polymer surfaces for control of interaction and functionality M. Stamm, Leibniz Insititute for Polymer Research, Dresden/D |
10:30 | Torturing molecules H. Gaub, University of Munich/D |
11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:30 | Poster awards |
11:40 | Presentation of the winning poster |
11:55 | Medical Application of Nanoparticles F. G. Parak, Technical University Munich/D |
12:25 | Responsive polymer microgels: development and perspectives of temperature sensitive core-shell particles W. Richtering, University of Aachen (RWTH)/D |
12:55 | Lunch |
14:10 | Conducting polymer containing nanocomposite films for smart corrosion protection M. Rohwerder, Max Planck Insitute for Iron Research, Dusseldorf/D |
14:30 | Smart pigments for time temperature sensing L. Feiler, Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Basel/CH |
14:50 | Small and Smart - Aqueous Nanocomposite Dispersions for Architectural Coatings F. Tiarks, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen/D |
15:10 | End of the conference |
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