
2006년 10월 -독일electrospinning 발표

2015-10-06 06:06

Lecture Program

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Status and future of nanofibers by electrospinning

Monday, October 23
Tuesday, October 24

From Small to Smart

Tuesday, October 24
Wednesday, October 25

Monday, October 23
Status and future of nanofibers by electrospinning

 10:30 Welcome
A. Greiner, University of Marburg/D

Novel concepts in electrospinning

 10:35 Electrospun nanofibers-opportunities in healthcare, biotechnology, energy, and environment
S. Ramakrishna, NUS Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Initiative, Singapore/SIN
 11:15 Supercritical Fluid-Assisted Electrospinning of Polymers
M. McHugh, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA/USA; M. Marquez, Z. Shen, Philip Morris USA, Richmond, VA/USA; J. Liu, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA/USA; S.-H. Lee, Dong-A University, Busan/ROK

Mulltifunctional Nanocomposite Fibrils and Yarns by Co-electrospinning
F. Ko, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA/USA

 12:15 Highly hydrophobic polyaniline and polypyrole nanofibers synthesised by electrospinning-sol-gel process
A.R. Phani, D. Davide, S. Sandro, CNR/INFM, CASTI, Aquila/I
 12:45 Lunch
 14:00 Electrospinning and beyond: towards new techniques, functions and applications
J. Wendorff, University of Marburg/D
 14:40 Electric Field Induced Uniaxial Orientation of Polymer Chains in Macroscopically Aligned Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers: Fundamentals and Applications
John F. Rabolt, University of Delaware, Newark, DE/USA
 15:10 Continuous nanofibers for advanced structural nanocom-posites
Y.A. Dzenis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE/USA
 15:40 Melt Electrospinning
Paul Dalton, University of Southampton/UK and Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen/D; Kristina Klinkhammer, Dirk Grafahrend, Doris Klee, Martin Möller, Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen/D
 16:10 Coffee break
 16:40 Progress in the fundamental analysis of electrostatic fiber formation
G. Rutledge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA/USA
 17:20 Micro-encapsulation of hydrophobic liquids inside polymer beads linked by nanofibers using co-electrospinning
J. Esteban Díaz, Yflow SL, Campanillas/ES; A. Barrero, Yflow SL, Campanillas/ES and University of Seville/ES; M. Márquez, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ/USA; I.G. Loscertales, Yflow SL, Campanillas/ES and University of Malage/ES
 17:50 Fabrication of polymer microtubes by co-electrospinning
E. Zussman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa/IL
 18:20 Predictable and orderly collection of electrospun nanofibers
D. Reneker, T. Han, University of Akron, OH/USA
 18:50 Poster Party
 21:00 End of day one


Tuesday, October 24
Status and future of nanofibers by electrospinning

Applications of electrospun fibers

 9:00 Nanostructured materials by electrospinning
J. McCann, University of Washington, Seattle, WA/USA
 9:40 From Filters to Biomaterials -Applications of Electrospun-Fibres at CSIRO
Y. Truong, I.L. Kyratzis, CSIRO-Textile and Fibre Technology, Clayton, VIC/AUS  
 10:10 Conjugate electrospinning – a new approach to making nanofibers: Effects of process parameters on fiber morphology Production of yarns by electrospinning
E. Smit, U. Büttner, R. D. Sanderson, Stellenbosch University, Matieland/ZA   
 10:40 Polymer electrospinning: fundamentals and applications in medicine and energy
G.E. Wnek, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH/USA   
 11:10 Posteraward and Conclusions
A. Greiner, University of Marburg/D
 11:20 Coffee Break 


Tuesday, October 24
From small to smart

 11:50   Welcome 
 11:55 Selective synthesis, large-scale production and current/future applications of carbon nanotubes
M. Endo, Shinshu University, Nagano/J
 12:35 Technical applications of carbon nanotubes: state of the art and perspectives
M. Schmid, Bayer MaterialScience AG, Leverkusen/D
 12:55 Integrative semiconductor nanotubes with new functionalities
O. G. Schmidt, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart/D
 13:15 Lunch 
 14:35 Carbon Nanotubes for display applications
Z. Yaniv, Applied Nanotech, Inc., Austin, TX/USA
 15:15 Mechano-optical brilliant polymer colors – nanotechnology paves the way
R. J. Leyrer, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen/D
 15:35 Nanostructured photoactive polymer materials for solar cells
R. Janssen, Technical University of Eindhoven/NL
 15:55 Coffee Break 
 16:25 Nanoscale phenomena in polymer-nanoparticle blends
M. E. Mackay, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI/USA
 16:55 Functional nanoparticulate structures
W. Peukert, University of Erlangen/D 

Multifunctional flexible ceramic: from lab to market
M. Wille, Degussa AG/CREAVIS Technologies & Innovation, Marl/D

 17:45 Presentation of posters 
 18:45 Poster Party 
 22:00 End of day two 


Wednesday, October 25
From small to smart

 9:00 Nanomedicine: Technology, Materials and Biology Transforming Healthcare
J.W. Hofstraat, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven/NL 
 9:40 Mechanical design of natural nanocomposites
P. Frazl, Max Planck Institute for Colloid Research, Golm/D
 10:10 Switchable polymer surfaces for control of interaction and functionality
M. Stamm, Leibniz Insititute for Polymer Research, Dresden/D 
 10:30 Torturing molecules
H. Gaub, University of Munich/D
 11:00 Coffee Break 
 11:30 Poster awards 
 11:40 Presentation of the winning poster 
 11:55 Medical Application of Nanoparticles
F. G. Parak, Technical University Munich/D
 12:25 Responsive polymer microgels: development and perspectives of temperature sensitive core-shell particles
W. Richtering, University of Aachen (RWTH)/D
 12:55 Lunch
 14:10 Conducting polymer containing nanocomposite films for smart corrosion protection
M. Rohwerder, Max Planck Insitute for Iron Research, Dusseldorf/D
 14:30 Smart pigments for time temperature sensing
L. Feiler, Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Basel/CH
 14:50 Small and Smart - Aqueous Nanocomposite Dispersions for Architectural Coatings
F. Tiarks, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen/D 
 15:10 End of the conference 
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